SHARING IN HIS DIVINE LIFE As we continue our faith journey in Ordinary Time,...
HE SAVES US We have been reflecting on the Advent Season and Christmas Seasons...
OUR DESIRE TO SEE THE LORD Saint Leo the Great, Pope says “The loving...
LET US WALK WITH MOTHER OF GOD Today begins a new year with new...
HE DWELT AMONG US Prophet Isaiah opens us our hearts to reflect on the...
THE GREATEST GIFT OF LOVE We have come to the completion of our Advent...
LET US SEE HIM WITH JOYFUL HEARTS The third Advent Sunday is called “Gaudete...
PEACE CHANGES OUR LIVES Who doesn’t need peace? We all need it not only...
HOPE KEEPS US AWAKE This week we begin our Advent season to prepare ourselves...
HE REMEMBERS US Today we conclude our liturgical year with the celebration of the...